What We Believe

THERE IS ONE GOD eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

JESUS IS God’s own Son, who was born of the Virgin Mary. He was sent by our Heavenly Father to redeem the world through His life, sufferings, death, and resurrection. It is by faith in his victory that we inherit everlasting life.

THE CHURCH IS the gathering of those who believe in Christ. The continual gathering of believers is essential to Christian life and growth. We were created in God’s image, yet in this broken world, we are captive to the powers of sin, and therefore we are in daily need of God’s grace. In worship, we are continually reminded of God’s great love for us, and the life changing good news of the Gospel.

WORSHIP IS the natural expression of a grateful heart, praising God and receiving His grace.

THE HOLY SPIRIT transforms our hearts to believe the Living Word of God, and enables our faith to grow.

WE ARE all children of God, who is the Creator of life.